
About Me

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Meow ^..^ is a growing, evolving, kinky, carbon based critter, sexual deviant, closet artist, a working graphic designer for the last 15 years, and I am stuck in Utah. This is about my journey...

Monday, June 28, 2010

Want in one hand... Shit in the other... is it scat play?

My mother used to have two different sayings that she loved to remind me of on almost a daily basis:
"You've got 'want' in one hand and 'shit' in the other. See which one fills up first."
"What you 'want' and what you 'get' are two different things."
I have only been actively exploring the world of BDSM & Kink for a little over a year and a half. It has introduced me to many things. Shown me so many different aspects to living and loving. For the experience and the people I have met I am grateful.

It also opened up a door to a path called "Polyamory". Seeing the different type of loving and open dynamics around me, until January of 2010 I had never thought I would have the capacity to love more than one. Turns out I am full of this thing called Love and I can be honest and open about it.

So I had continued down this little tangent path called Open Relationships or Polyamory. In my "want" I pictured finding a primary eventually, and going forward and exploring many more relationships, living laughing and loving. Again, this is in my want category.

Just recently, I have been presented with an opportunity with a couple who I can fall in love with so deeply, however, what they want is a Poly "closed". I spent a weekend with them. I loved it, I felt warm and fuzzy, I found new fetishes and explored a few feelings that I thought weren't there. I felt love, I felt belonging, I felt synergy.

While I have experienced this with them in a weekend, and they wish to make it a lifetime, I cannot help but wonder, why settle? That's what I would be doing, wouldn't it?
Settling and not knowing what I might have missed out on? I am much like a child that way... since I left my bad marriage, I have always promised myself that I will never again do two things with the rest of my life: 

#1 being  Marriage - this will never happen again for me.
#2 being Settling - settling for what I have vs. trying to better myself and continuing evolving and growing. 

I have taken a lot of time working on me, trying to live my life authentically, being disillusioned. My biggest fear is that I will never have what I want, and I will give in and settle for something I really don't want to be.

It is tough to love openly, honestly with most of the men around me being taught that societal patriarch is the "norm" and I am just a slut not seemingly worthy of true love. Most men don't really get it. So few understand that while yeah a fuck and suck would be nice... but I need the intimacy to go with it. I need the true and honest friendship, not just a "booty call".

I am conflicted, fore I do honestly and openly love this couple, but fear that commitment will take me back to an old illusion archetype that I have worked so hard to free myself from. This commitment would also require me to pull up what little roots I have and move even further away from any semblance of friends & family that I do have. I would have to quit a job that I love very much. 

Is love really worth that much? This is the question I have to find an answer to. Is happiness really worth giving up all that you know? "Yes!" you may cry... but lets get real folks... would you really??? Color me a skeptic, but I highly doubt that most of you would.

I don't yet know the answers... I am not sure if I will ever know. How do I tell them that? And more importantly will they wait for me to find the answers?


  1. I can understand your hesitation and I feel for you. Decisions like this are not easy to make. We only live once (well maybe), and love is a very difficult thing to find in life. Take your time and trust your instincts. If it feels right inside, then it is probably right. If you are unsure, hold off. Best of luck deciding what to do. xoxox ~Juju

  2. I can see your point hun. Not an easy decision. I'm just newly discovering Poly and have met someone whom I care about who has been a serial monogamous. So what will happen if we do continue? Will I say I can't if she puts her foot down? But definitely take your time. And is it worth the chance to have the love, to explore it. Are they up for you having play partners and they would be your primaries? Explore options with them and then decide what will work for all of you, and what won't. *hugs* Good luck with it hun.

  3. Thanks Stacy :) Yeah they are against being open. They want a closed triad. I just don't know if I can give up that "freedom" part right now. I do not think I am ready to.
