
About Me

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Meow ^..^ is a growing, evolving, kinky, carbon based critter, sexual deviant, closet artist, a working graphic designer for the last 15 years, and I am stuck in Utah. This is about my journey...

Thursday, August 18, 2011

Flavor of Leather - My different perspective

I recently have been asking those close to me that are my teachers and peers, one simple naked question: "What is Leather to you?"
There is this one girl I know, she's a dear friend and when I first met her she told me she "tastes" peoples energy and aura. I have come to a place where I now can fully understand this, where as before I only felt people, I have reached a place where I can now taste some, not all mind you, but some people.
Lately, I have been tasting people's leather, and the way I have gotten to do that has been by asking them that one simple question. In their answers they shared with me their own personal definitions and truths. Through this generous sharing, I was able to taste their "Leather".

Now there are a variety of flavors out there... I have only tasted a few thus far but I have really decided that I personally don't care for Patent Leather, it tastes fake. It has no flavor at all. It provides an illusion that thinks if it is just shiny enough, and sparkly enough you will be distracted by it's glimmer and it can never do any wrong. It will tell you all the pretty things you want to hear so that you too can become blinded in it's shared illusion.

One flavor that I have tasted that I really seem to like at the moment is Rawhide. Now there is something I can sink my teeth into! I can tug and pull and it is very hard to rip. It is thick and can pack a punch. It can kick some fucking ass. It is natural and authentic. Rawhide has integrity and honor. It doesn't need an illusion to show it's strength. It just simply needs to "be". Rawhide will leave a mark.
Yeah... my friends I will tell you this...
I aspire to be Rawhide

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